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Titus Chu
April 27, 2009
This entry is part 152 of 2576 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but abides forever.
— Psalm 125:1

The psalmist does not say that those who trust in the Lord are “solid and immovable.” Instead he says they are “like Mount Zion,” which is the Lord’s testimony. Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion. They are His testimony which cannot be moved. This shows us that the Lord doesn’t care for our own individual spirituality. He doesn’t care so much for our being solid or strong in ourselves. The Lord’s care for us is a matter of His testimony. Our consecration to the Lord’s trustworthiness follows the high realization of how much He cares for His testimony.

When we are young in the Lord we may think, “The Lord is so trustworthy to me.” But once we grow in the Lord we experience His trustworthiness for the sake of the church. In fact, it seems that as we grow the Lord stops being trustworthy to us individually and is instead only trustworthy to the church as His testimony. Concerning our own Christian life, we want to be so holy, yet we are so defeated. We want to be so victorious, yet we have so many failures. We want to read the Bible or pray all the time, yet we are constantly wasting our time. When it comes to ourselves, we are terrible. It seems that the Lord is not after our own personal spirituality. He may not even be so real to us as we pursue these things for ourselves.

But when it comes to the church, He is so real! He is so trustworthy! Eventually we should have the realization, “The Lord is so trustworthy to the church! Why am I here? Because of the church! Why is the Lord so trustworthy to me? For the sake of the church!” None of us can say, “The Lord is so trustworthy to me because of who I am.” The Lord is only so trustworthy because He cares for Mount Zion.

Adapted from The Journey of Life, pages 49-50.

Tomorrow: “Consecrated for the Lord’s Testimony”

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