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Titus Chu
March 19, 2009
This entry is part 119 of 2576 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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There were two sisters who lived together. One had a hot personality, and the other was cold. They seemed to be complete opposites. Perhaps the hot one desired to serve a cup of tea to the cold one, but the cold one did not like being bothered by such things. Perhaps the cold one has some spiritual understanding, so she might pray, “Lord, thank You for putting me with this ‘hot’ sister. I receive Your arrangement.” If she is able to react spiritually, she will also pray, “Lord, what will You teach me? How are You seeking to train me? What are You trying to develop in me? I am cold, but this sister is so hot.” Perhaps she then receives some realization concerning herself, and sees how her coldness prevents her from being built up with other saints. Then when the hot sister comes to her to offer her some tea, she may say, “Could I make it this time?” This is now a spiritual reaction, something beyond mere spiritual understanding.

The hot sister may also gain something spiritually. Perhaps she learns to “read” the other sister, and how to behave around her when her eyebrows are set a certain way. Because she sees this, she offers her sister something to drink. Then the cold one, in response, makes her tea instead. In this way, both of them have learned something of what it means to be spiritual.

Adapted from Being One with the Ministry, Volume One, pages 114-115.

Tomorrow: “Having a Spiritual Reaction”

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