Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.”
— Genesis 28:16
If you love the Lord and desire to follow Him, then you must realize that all things that happen to you are spiritual. In other words, you must recognize all things as being spiritual.
After we consecrate ourselves to the Lord, we should no longer have the idea that something is lucky, or unlucky, or coincidental, for we must begin to realize that the Lord’s hand is in everything that happens to us; nothing is accidental.
Even though we are the Lord’s followers, we still find ourselves wondering about things as though the Lord was not truly with us. For example, as we ponder things, we may still consider the pros and cons, or how unfairly treated we are by someone, or how something should be changed so that it may be more beneficial to us. We must, however, begin to see that all things come from the Lord’s hand. We must be exercised to see the Lord’s hand in all things in our lives.
Adapted from Being One with the Ministry, Volume One, pages 110-111.
Tomorrow: “Being Spiritual in Small Things”