Again he measured a thousand cubits; and it was a river that I could not cross, for the water had risen, enough water to swim in, a river that could not be crossed.
— Ezekiel 47:5
But thanks be to God, who always leads us in the triumph in the Christ, and manifests through us the fragrance of the knowledge of Him in every place.
— 2 Corinthians 2:14
A person in the flow is restful and peaceful, because he realizes that the flow will do the work if he will but allow the flow to carry him. I began laboring in this area of the country by visiting a brother here and a brother there. Eventually the Lord raised something up. That was His work.
In 1970, there were only seven larger churches in the United States: Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Akron, New York, Atlanta, and Seattle. As I walked with Brother Witness Lee one day, he told me that he was very happy with the Lord’s work in the United States and that he would be content to serve these churches. I was surprised, for in my mind the work in Taiwan was much more prevailing. When I was baptized, for instance, over 800 were baptized with me on the same day. Many might have felt the need to struggle until every city in the United States experienced the church life, yet Brother Lee was restful, realizing that it was up to the divine stream to carry the work. He trusted in the work of the mighty flow. He stood with the Lord’s work; he did not try to force the river into a new branch by trying to raise up churches in places where the Lord as a flow had not yet reached. Wherever the flow goes, it goes. Those who labor with the Lord must understand this principle of the divine flow.
Adapted from The Reality of the Divine Stream, page 29
Tomorrow: “The Cross and the Stream”