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Mark Miller
August 13, 2020
This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series David: After God's Heart
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Now when the king lived in his house and the LORD had given him rest from all his surrounding enemies, the king said to Nathan the prophet, “See now, I dwell in a house of cedar, but the ark of God dwells in a tent.”
2 Samuel 7:1-2, ESV

Chapter 8: Gaining the Kingdom and Jerusalem

This chapter seems to cover three main plot lines–the time after Saul died (during which Joab and Abner appear so prominently), the gaining of Jerusalem by David, and his bringing of the ark into Jerusalem. During these times, David continued to act humbly, understanding everything in his life was by the mercy of God and that he needed a word from the Lord (the Lord’s presence) for every step. He saw the crucialness of Jerusalem in God’s heart and the joining of the kingdom and priesthood. Yes, he had at least two “failures” exposed at this point (number of wives and idols), but he was after God’s heart. It seems God was happy to overlook these things and work with such an unworthy man. In this, we see the power of living a life after God’s heart.

Chapter 9: God’s House–It’s Materials, Builder, and Site

This chapter focuses on David in an interesting way. His heart was clearly for God–that God would have the best. Though God did not need a house to dwell among His people, He greatly appreciated David’s heart for Him and His rest. Though David began to gather materials for the house, he was not a perfect man.

  1. He unconsciously acted as if above the Law
  2. He practiced favoritism
  3. He became proud in his success

All of these were failures with severe consequences to David and both his family and nation. Yet we again see the power of a man whose heart was set in the right direction for God–God was able to use his failures to gain something more for His desire. Out of David’s relationship with Bathsheba, God gained the builder of the temple. Out of David’s pride, God gained the site for the temple. We don’t have to be perfect; we need hearts set the right way.

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