Why does the psalmist tell the Lord to remember David? David was a man after God’s own heart. Despite of all his iniquities and shortcomings David satisfied God’s desire.
The psalmist reminds Jehovah that David vowed to “the Mighty One of Jacob.” In the Bible, Jacob represents someone who experiences the transforming work of the Spirit. Jacob was eventually transformed into Israel. Furthermore, when Jacob became Israel God’s testimony was produced. When David vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob, he vowed to the One who is the God of transformation and the God of testimony. Transformation will always lead to God’s testimony.
If we vow to “the Mighty One of Jacob” we are saying, “Towards me, God is the mighty God of transformation. Towards the church, His habitation, He is the mighty God of testimony. I vow to this very God!” This is the beginning of our exercise in maturity.
Tomorrow: “Not Having Our Own House”