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February 4, 2010
This entry is part [part not set] of 3099 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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We must learn to equip our mind. If today we think about how to make money, and tomorrow we think about how to purchase a house, and the day after that we think about how we should raise our children, then in our limited mind there will only be a small part left for Christ. Such a heart will fall away and become unusable as far as the Lord is concerned.

Some people ask me, “Titus, why do you always urge people to serve full-time?” This is easy to answer. When someone serves full-time, at least his mind is on the Lord. If you are a professor, your mind is on your publishing. You have to consider how to bring in funding. Although it is not something sinful, your mental capacity will be used up on such things.

Adapted from Being One with the Ministry, Volume One, page 100.

Tomorrow: “Dealing with Finances”

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