which in its own times he shall show, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords;
(1 Timothy 6:15)
Do you know that in everyone, God desires to rule? In everyone, Christ as life in them CAN rule. I have been saved close to 70 years. In these close to 70 years, let me tell you, Christ rules. Sometimes in a good way: the more he ruled the more prevailing I became. Sometimes, in a way I didn’t like: when He rules, I lose all my freedom. I want to do this, I want to do that, I want this future, I want that future. But because Christ rules, everything I planned has to be put aside. This is the church. Christ in me and Christ in you. Together, Christ rules over me and Christ rules over you. Through me, or through you, Christ rules over all of us. This is a marvelous Church life.
Excerpted from Message 17 — The Apostle Peter (6): The Revelation by Christ: The Kingdom of Heaven (2) of the video message series Visions and Revelations by Titus Chu