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August 15, 2019
This entry is part [part not set] of 2576 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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“We will make thee plaits of gold
With studs of silver.”
– Song of Songs 1:11, ASV

The beloved’s answer here indicates that what she needs in her present condition is not nourishment or rest, but the work of the cross.

The Triune God will make you “plaits of gold with studs of silver.” The phrase “plaits of gold” in the original language refers to something that resembles a crown. It is a ringlet, a crown with golden borders. This means you must let God work His life and nature into you. The result of God’s work in you becomes a little crown.

Sometimes you feel that a certain cross the Lord has measured to you is too heavy to bear and that you are treading the wilderness on barren, thirsty ground. However, after every suffering, a little more of the crown is developed in you. Besides the Lord, others around you can also see this crown, which indicates that you have grown during this period of time in your life.

Adapted from The Song of Songs: A Divine Romance, page 51.

Friday: “Plaits of Gold” (2)

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