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Samuel Huoh
April 28, 2020
This entry is part 6 of 7 in the series Winter Vision Week 2019
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Last night, we talked about having a piece of land. Today, I want to say some very honest words to you younger ones: I don’t trust you. Look at the brothers ahead of you. Many of them went through various church trainings, were very touched by the Lord, and even told the Lord, “Lord, I want to give my life to You.” The problem is that they graduated, got married, got a job, had a family, and then disappeared. These are all really good brothers, but not many survived.

There are different groups of people in the church life. One group tries to survive, but the church life doesn’t let them survive. These brothers and sisters love the Lord, but for some reason, they aren’t able to develop. They may love the Lord, but just can’t find their place in the church life. Another group says, “I want to serve, but when I look at the situation, I realize it doesn’t work, so I will go find other ways.” Another group tries to raise up a church life, but realizes this is not easy – this is something you have to give your whole life to.

Do you know what happens to a young couple that loves the Lord? In the beginning, they love the Lord. Then they go get a job, and then go buy a house. Then they find out that they need better furniture, a better car, something better, better, better. For some reason, eventually, they don’t have a church life anymore. However,  when they say, “I love the Lord,” it’s real. They don’t realize how and when it happens, but eventually, they drop the church life. Most of you do love the Lord, but you yourselves don’t even realize that after the first weekend or second weekend, you have become a churchgoer, just coming to the meetings. Eventually, you won’t even make the meetings anymore. You become Lot.

Do you have a future with your serving one? Can you say, “He loves me, he prays with me, he reads the Word with me, he helps me to be with people, he helps me to function in the meetings?” Only then can the church become a piece of land for you to grow in. Otherwise, I can assure you that ten years later, you will only have a good job with a good wife.

Do you love the Lord? “Of course!”

For how many years? “I’ve loved the Lord since I was five years old.”

Did you grow? “Of course, I’m so tall now!”

How about the Lord? “Oh, we love the Lord.”

How do you love Him? “I work at my job and love Him.”

What a hopeless young man.

Can you say, “I have a piece of land! I will not end up making a lot of money. I will not end up driving a fancy car. I will not end up with a house people admire. I want people to admire me as a servant of the Lord!” Eventually, a testimony will come in: “I did not live a valueless life! I have a piece of land!”

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