Titus Chu was born in Zhejiang, China, in 1935. Due to the civil war, his family moved to Taiwan, where he became a Christian in 1953. Two years later he had a real turn to the Lord, began to really love Jesus, and began to pursue Him more deeply.
Titus went on to attend National Taiwan University, where he became a pattern as a lover of Jesus, a companion to the brothers, and a fighter for Christ to many college students in Taiwan. After graduating in 1963 with a degree in Foreign Language Studies, he left Taiwan for the United States to pursue further education.
He finished his graduate studies at the University of Pittsburgh in 1965 and began to work as an associate professor at the Case Western Reserve University Library in Cleveland, Ohio. He was married to Sharon Chu in 1967. Then, in 1969, he had a very special experience with the Lord regarding his serving: in his regular Bible reading, the Lord appeared twice to him and told him to quit his job and serve Him on a full-time basis. Titus submitted himself to the Lord, quit his job at the library, and began to serve the Lord in a full-time capacity. Soon afterwards, he and several other families followed the Lord’s move to Akron, Ohio, where they raised up a church testimony. Titus would later lead several brothers in a move to Cleveland in order to further strengthen the existing testimony there.
Titus has published over fifty books in Chinese on the Bible, and a number in English as well, including: Born Again: Our New Life in Christ; David: After God’s Heart; Elijah & Elisha: Living for God’s Testimony; Ruth: Growth unto Maturity; Philippians: That I May Gain Christ; A Sketch of Genesis; and Two Manners of Life. All of our brother’s ministry, both written and spoken, is focused on presenting Christ, on encouraging every believers’ subjective experiences of Christ, on fostering the growth of their spiritual life, and filling them with visions and revelations so that they may be built up together in the local churches as the living testimony of Christ on the earth.
Today, Brother Titus continues to serve among the churches in the U.S. and overseas, including in countries in Africa and in Asia. He continues to strengthen and train believers with the view toward the building up of the Body of Christ in the local churches. Most of his spoken ministry is given in conferences and trainings which are held throughout the year.
A Sweet Savor is committed to presenting and preserving the ministries of Titus Chu and his co-workers. The heart of these ministries is to present Christ and to encourage every believer’s subjective experiences of Christ, foster the growth of their spiritual life, and to fill them with visions and revelations. In line with the heart of these ministries, this website seeks to challenge all believers and seekers of God to press on towards perfection for the strengthening of the local churches.
If you have a question about our ministry, need guidance with regards to our resources, or are looking for fellowship near you, then we’d love to assist you. Please send us an email at questions@asweetsavor.org We will try to respond to you as quickly as we can!
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