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Caleb Ziamba
April 30, 2020
This entry is part 6 of 12 in the series Stages in the Days of Creation
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Loving the Lord, making time for things related to Him, and allowing Christ to be present in our living is the manifestation of the waters gathering together and the appearing of dry land on the third day of Creation. On the third day, we are also introduced to three types of life which begin to grow on this exposed earth: firstly, the grass, then, the herb with its seeds, and finally the fruit trees bearing fruit. According to brother Titus, these three types of life can represent three stages of our Christian living as they relate to the gospel and to our shepherding in the local church life. In this post, we will discuss the first of these: the stage of grass.

Now, if you were very worldly, fully involved in the world, there’s no land; if you began to say “I love Jesus. I love the Lord. I’d like to become a piece of land for something” — then, who are you? You are a blade of grass.

Titus Chu. 2017 Winter Conference. Message 4

In other words, when the waters of the world are gathered into one place and we begin to present Christ as the dry land in our living, the first thing which appears on this land is grass. It is not the result of some further work or striving we must do, but it is based on the availability of the dry land. Where there is dry land, life begins to grow. Even if that life is simple, it is still life. All who have passed through the stage of gathering the waters together can live according to the principle of the grass. What is that principle?

Grass stresses neither stature nor beauty. It has seed, but its seed is almost like it is hidden. Grass mainly expands by and through its roots. If you have one blade of grass, grass of the same kind will eventually grow up surrounding that particular blade.

Every new one is a blade of grass. Every new one should be a gospel preacher. They bear fruit according to who they are, and they bear fruit to those nearby surrounding them—their family members, their school mates, their colleagues, their neighbors, and their close friends. When you are saved, you should have a normal change in your life. And people should see the change! It is so good to preach the gospel right after one is saved.

God desires us to be firstly simple grass. Our life is from God and we are able to spread through the root which we have, that is, through the little Christ which we have enjoyed. Yes, grass does have seed. But surprisingly, here the Bible does not mention seeds at all with the grass! Any church can have a church culture in the church life that every saint, including ones who are recently saved, are willing and able to spread the good news with the little Christ which they have.

This should be the top principle of the church life. Everyone should be a messenger of Christ, declaring the good news: I have Jesus! I am saved! I do not know how to preach the gospel clearly, but I can testify that I believe in Jesus. I have life, I have peace, and I have joy! I don’t know how to preach deeper things, but I can bring those I know to the brother whom I know are comparatively older and more experienced.

Titus Chu. The Marvelous Signs of the Divine Growth, pp. 15-16

The principle of grass is truly marvelous! When I am sharing the gospel, I don’t need to have deep understandings of spiritual matters or to have the answer to every question. I am able to spread the good news of Christ with the little Christ which I have! It is a principle which we can and should all begin with. God desires us all to share the good news of Jesus Christ. This is true for those who have followed Christ for 30 years as well as those who have just recently entrusted their life to Jesus. Every Christian can and should share the gospel. By simply allowing Christ to be portrayed in our living and sharing the peace, joy, and life we find in Him, we can win those close to us — friends, co-workers, and even family — to Christ. 

Thank you Lord for your life! Spread as grass through my living!

Let’s all encourage one another to spread the good news of Jesus Christ! Relay your testimony using the comments below. Consider these questions based on your own experiences:

  • Did you come to salvation in Christ through a friend, family member, or colleague? How did the conversation about Jesus begin? Did you notice anything different from their living?
  • Have any friends, family members, or colleagues been saved through you? How did you share your faith with them? Were you ever intimidated or anxious about talking with them? How did you overcome these feelings?
  • Are there any friends, family members, or colleagues who you are praying for? Has Christ opened any doors for conversation with them recently? In what ways can other readers support you in bringing this person to Christ?
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