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Mike Samulak
January 12, 2021
This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Podcasts & Videos
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Praise the Lord for another new year in Him and for Him!

What is the “New Testament Reading Challenge”?

In the Summer of 2020, I put together a Bible reading channel on YouTube. The channel allows for you to be able to listen or read along to the New Testament in just 40 sessions at about 20 minutes each.

I originally created the channel with the intent of helping the young people in our local church to finish reading the whole New Testament for a reading challenge over one winter break. The 40 videos that make up the channel have been created and posted in a way that can allow for different variations of time to complete the challenge depending on one’s own time and ability.

Why should I take on the challenge?

It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh provides no benefit; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit, and are life.

– John 6:63

How refreshing and nourishing it is to allow ourselves to be continually in the Word of God seeking His light, speaking, and presence. My own experience in doing this project during these uncertain days resulted in a deeper love and consecration to the Lord, and a renewed heart for reaching out and caring for others in many unconventional ways — as our Lord did so often in the gospels.

I’m ready to be refreshed by God’s Word! How do I listen to this New Testament reading?

You can find the Bible Reading Challenge channel by following this link or by searching “Bible Reading Challenge” on YouTube.

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