These messages were given the weekend of March 24 – 26, 2006 to a group of brothers at a retreat with brother Titus to help them realize what it means to serve the Lord by ministering His word.
In our speaking, we should not focus on being successful, i.e., giving a good message. Instead, to speak for the Lord in the church meetings we must first of all be very clear concerning our commitment from the Lord; He does not care for many things, but only for Christ and the church. We must also take care of such basic matters as being filled with the Spirit, being in the Lord’s word, and being with the saints.
Regarding Message 1, Prophesying Training: Being filled with the Spirit and having a basic vision of the Scripture – these are vital to prophesying, regardless of the topic. Spending time with the saints – really IN the body, is the best way to become an able minister and profit the body. More and more I am impressed by how very important it is to be daily in communion with God through prayer, in the Word in some way (reading, pray-reading, studying) and in fellowship with the saints. The flow of His life among us depends upon it. Thank you for… Read more »
Regarding Message 2, Prophesying Training: What a wonderfully practical message. “Begin today to be a pursuer. Don’t worry about past mistakes.” (Paul says, “Forgetting those things which are behind”). This is so encouraging. How often I feel weighed down by my past. Just ask. Tell the Lord honestly if you feel ill-equipped and ask Him to supply. “Pray that the Lord is close and intimate with you and there is nothing in between.” I frequently pray, “Lord, I feel inadequate but I ask that You give me the words to share for the sake of Your Body. Not because of… Read more »