In this series of messages we will consider Christ and the Church according to the revelations received by Peter, Paul, and John. Each of these apostles intimately experienced Christ and each had a profound realization concerning His Church, but what was revealed to Paul was something further than what was revealed to Peter, and what was revealed to John was something further than even what was revealed to Paul.
The basic revelation these brothers received was the same: each focused upon Christ and the church. In each case, however, there was an advancement of what was seen. Peter saw Christ and the church in the stage of its initial declaration. Paul saw an enlarged Christ, a Christ who had become heavenly, who bore His testimony and who built up His church in localities. Finally, the heavenly Christ Paul saw was seen by John walking among the churches, which were standing for the Lord’s testimony upon the earth.
- Advancement of the Divine Revelations: From Christ to the Local Churches (part 1)
- Advancement of the Divine Revelations: From Christ to the Local Churches (part 2)
- Advancement of the Divine Revelations: Peter’s Application of the Vision He Received
- Advancement of the Divine Revelations: Paul’s Application of the Vision He Received
- Advancement of the Divine Revelations: John’s Application of the Vision He Received