A Sweet Savor


2021 - 2022

A Sweet Savor Bible School is happy to introduce “Pathways” for the 2021-2022 school year. You can think of Pathways like a “major” at other schools. By providing these Pathways, we hope to give you, the students, a better idea of which classes to take based on what you are looking for and your current relationship with the Lord. Whether a new believer seeking to learn more about the Christian life, or a Jesus-lover of many years looking for something more there is a Pathway for you.

Unsure of which Pathway to take? Don’t worry — signing up for a class does not bind you to that Pathway. However, the course selections for each Pathway were deliberately chosen so we do encourage students to stick with one once they choose it. This is why completing all the required courses in three of the Pathways will earn you a Certificate of Completion for that Pathway.

This year we are providing 5 Pathways, 3 of which (Core, Old Testament, and New Testament) are Certificate-earning. Click on a Pathway below to learn more.

Certificate-Earning Pathways

What is the Goal?

For students to be grounded and uplifted by seeing the key aspects of God’s Word and eternal work.

What Courses Will I Take?

Fall 2021:          Born Again or Life of Jesus
Winter 2022:    Abraham or Romans
Spring 2022:    Building or Pillars

What is the Goal?

To gain a greater appreciation for the depth and importance of Old Testament writings

What Courses will I Take?

Fall 2021:         The Exodus or The Song of Songs
Winter 2022:   Abraham or The Song of Songs
Spring 2022:   David

What is the Goal?

Follow along the journey of the early apostles and dive deeper into the life of the Apostle Paul.

What Courses will I Take?

Fall 2021: The Life of Paul or The Acts of the Apostles I
Winter 2022: Romans or The Acts of the Apostles II
Spring 2022: Ephesians or The Acts of the Apostles III

Other Pathways

What is the Goal?

To explore the foundations of the Christian life

What Courses will I Take?

Fall 2021:           Born Again or The Life and Work of Jesus Christ
Winter 2022:     Born Again
Spring 2022:     The Life and Work of Jesus Christ

What is the Goal?

To help the students enter into a sweet enjoyment of Christ by seeing how He has moved in believers throughout the ages

What Courses Will I Take?

Fall 2021:           Church History or Hymns I or Treasury of Christian Literature
Winter 2022:     Church History or Hymns II or Treasury of Christian Literature
Spring 2022:     Church History or Hymns III or Treasury of Christian Literature