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Benjamin Sheu
April 3, 2020
This entry is part 2 of 18 in the series A Real Romantic Journey: The Life of Abraham
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“Brethren and fathers, listen: The God of glory appeared to our father Abram when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran, and said to him, ‘Get out of your country and from your relatives, and come to a land that I will show you.”

– Acts 7:2-3
God called Abram out of Ur of the Chaldeans

“…they came to Haran and dwelt there. 32So the days of Terah were two hundred and five years, and Terah died in Haran. 12.1Now the Lord said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house unto a land that I will show you.”

– Genesis 11:31b-12:1

The following content is a compilation of outlines, direct quotes, and notes from brother Titus’s speaking:

Abraham began his romantic journey by the calling of God: “Get out!” Where did Abram get out of? Ur of the Chaldeans. Ur means “fiery valley,” despite it being a political, cultural, and commercial center at the time. It’s a place where everything is “hot.” Where are you? You’re in Ur, a place that’s really hot for anything. The world is full of things that are hot, such as graduating or parties. People are hot for anything, but being hot burns you out until your life is all burned out. You begin to realize, “there is nothing new under the sun.” “If I don’t have Christ as my reality, I will have no future.” So God says, “Come out. Come out from that fiery place.”

Chaldea means “as demons” or “as robbers.” One is in the physical realm; one is in the spiritual realm. Do you realize you are so hot, whether in the physical realm or in the spiritual realm, and that they both can damage and rob you? Once you get your degree, 22 years could be robbed by education. If you handle it right, it could be a profit. If not, it could be something of almost no value. Companies can hurt and rob you, and so can education. Please, do not give your life to this kind of thing. Do not live a life that doesn’t match you. It is not worth giving your life to something that eventually has no value. You have to say, “My life is for the Lord.”

Not only does the physical side rob you, but the superstitious side can also rob you. We are walking, living, and dealing with spiritual things all the time. I tell you, if you’re not careful, Satan can use even spiritual things, if unhealthy, to harm you. Handling spiritual things has to be related to Christ alone. Religion is in everyone’s blood. You may be very successful and bring 30,000 people to the Lord, but if Christ is not involved, what does that mean? If there is no Christ, there is no life and no profit for the saints. I don’t believe the Lord would be happy. Come out of Ur and Chaldea. Don’t let anything rob you.

Every school–or whatever we like to focus on–exists only to rob us, to strip us, to wound us, and to leave us half dead. Whether it be our phone, our pursuit of higher education, even comparing our eyeglasses or desiring to attain a certain position can be used by demons to rob us. But what does God say? Come out of it! Every one of us. We all need to be called out of Ur.

Prayer:  “Lord, we want to follow you. We want to come out of Ur. We want to come out of Chaldea. We want to come out of our country, come out of our kindred, and come out of our father’s house. We want to just follow you and come to the place you show us.”

Wherever you are in your Christian walk or even if you have not yet begun your journey with Him, take a moment to consider the things that may be robbing you and taking your attention away from the Lord. From the most obvious things to the little subtle ones, the Lord is calling you away from the distractions and things that harm you, and unto Him. How we need the Lord’s mercy each day and in every way.

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