This series will cover Brother Titus Chu’s recent speaking in various conferences and trainings. This first set of excerpts is from a series of messages given during the 2019-2020 Winter Vision Week training, based on notes taken during the meetings.
The so-called good land is from the River Nile to the River Euphrates. This is what God called Abram out of Ur of Chaldea unto. Chaldea means a place of robbers. When everyone says, “I’m busy, I’m busy!” Don’t you realize this is Satan’s work? Robbing you from what you should have. You should have a high expectation for your life. You don’t want your life to be common. You don’t want your life to be wasted, spiritually or humanly. But high does not mean success. High means your living is very high. Your living is according to Christ. Your walk is completely according to Christ. Do a lot of people appreciate you? No. Do a lot of people think you are successful? No. But you know you have a high living.
There are so many things in the world that are trying to rob you. How about your phone? How about your high education? You were in Ur, under robbers, robbing your time, talent, energy. But what does God say? COME OUT OF IT! Every one of us is in this place. We need to be called out of Ur.
What is Haran? Haran is a country of mountains. Where is my future? How can I attain my success? How do I get to the top? Mountains have two specialties. One, hard to climb. Two, easy to be lost. When you get lost, you are fighting. Fighting to find out what is the way I can have success. Then you fight, you struggle to climb to make it.
There are two stages of Christians. In Ur, sin is involved. A world of being robbed is involved. Something is always attracting you, but in the end, you find it’s empty. In Haran, fighting is involved. Searching for your future is involved. Let me ask you, are you in Ur or are you in Haran? A world of sin is terrible. But a world of success? A world of gain? A world of achievement? That’s just as terrible.
Eventually, the Lord will say, “Come out of it!” Once Abram’s father died, the Lord appeared to Abram again with the same call. Then he could really begin his life with God.