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December 26, 2019
This entry is part [part not set] of 3099 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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“The beams of our houses are cedars.”
– Song of Songs 1:17

 “Cedar” here refers to the perfect humanity of our Lord Jesus. In Solomon’s temple, there were two main kinds of wood, cedar and cypress (1 Kings 5:8). The expression of the church is through these two kinds of wood. At this time the Lord’s seeker realizes, “I live not only for the Lord, but also for the saints. I not only want to walk with the Lord in the wilderness, I also want to be built up in the church.” How can we build up the church? Actually, while the building cannot take place without us, we are not the most important element. Rather, the church is built up by means of the myrrh, signifying the Lord’s death, and the cedar, signifying the glorious humanity of Jesus expressed in us. Only those with some constitution of the Lord’s humanity can build up the church. Hallelujah that the cedars are the beams of our house! When we are built up together, there is an expression of the Lord’s glorious humanity.

Adapted from The Song of Songs: A Divine Romance, by Titus Chu, page 68.

Tomorrow: The Rafters

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